Monday, December 7, 2009

Nacho Cheese in Black & White

By now most of you know that Ann's pregnant and due in May. We're calling the little guy Nacho Cheese. Nacho & Ann are both doing well. (I am too.)

Because we have less to rant about now that we're in suburbia (except that people drive like babies playing Mario Kart in mall parking lots), we've moved most of our posting to Facebook. However, given the interest in Nacho Cheese, we've decided to bow to popular request and post the first pictures of him here.

Right now the little guy looks a little like an alien or the Panda Mii we created on our Wii.

The first thing that Ann's mother did when looking at this picture was count the toes. (Five.)

Ann couldn't see Nacho in this picture at first. Once I explained that he was looking like Alfred Hitchcock lying down with his hand on his head, she spotted him.

We'll post more pictures in May when the little guy's actually amenable to normal photography.

1 comment:

Dawnell said...

Hooray for feet and pandas. We can't wait for Nacho to be amenable to photography.