Friday, April 9, 2010

I sneak out of the house

Back in January, after Michael left for training, my parents decided that I could no longer drive or go anywhere by myself for the duration of the pregnancy. I am definitely aware that I am just a walking incubator for their first grandchild, and I understand that while I don't have a curfew, baby does. I have been given many reasons why I can't drive (or be in public by myself): my tummy is in the way and too close to the wheel, I might get kidnapped, the Taurus is old...

It's hard to maintain a balance of trying to not be a brat and being grateful that my parents have welcomed me into their home for an extended visit, because wouldn't I sound like a brat if I complained that my parents want to drive me places in addition to feeding me, providing lodging and buying stuff for the baby?

While I don't mind hanging out at home all day in my pajamas, sometimes I do get a little stir-crazy.

So my dad is out of town visiting his family, and while he's gone and my mom is at work, I have a bit of non-chaperoned time in the mornings to try and sneak out. I went to Trader Joe's three times, Big Lots, the mall plaza (Bed Bath & Beyond and World Market) and the doctor. The doctor counts as sneaking out, because my sister was home for Easter break, and my mom thought she was going to take me.

The first two Trader Joe's visits, my mom instituted a don't ask-don't tell policy (maybe all of this stuff was in the freezer the entire time?) The third Trader Joe's visit, I got cocky and bought bread, so she finally had to ask if I left the house by myself. "You went all the way to Trader Joe's?!?" Yeah, Westlake to Westlake. Very far trip.

For my Big Lots trip, I left a little late, and took way too much time browsing at the store, even though I found what I wanted at the very beginning. So I got busted, because I got back but was still in the car when my mom pulled into the garage.

My dad will be back on Monday, so my time of driving has come to an end for now. Oh well. It was fun while it lasted.

Nacho in Sepia Tone

He looks like a real baby now! He wouldn't move his hands and arms out of the way for the pic.