Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Unwigged and Unplugged

Shearer, McKean and Guest performing "Stonehenge"

Christopher Guest, Michael McKean and Harry Shearer singing music from This is Spinal Tap, A Mighty Wind and Waiting for Guffman.

Should I be slightly upset that they did not play "Tonight I'm Gonna Rock You Tonight." Does that mean I'm not a hard-core fan???? Their final encore song was "Heavy Duty."

1 comment:

mlb_bobcats said...

I know that I was really upset about the glaring omission of Tonight I'm Gonna Rock You Tonight. Sure, the lyrics are simple and repetitive. But it's arguably their most famous song.

Until they prove otherwise, I'm going to believe they're physically incapable of playing it.

Nevertheless, a great, two-hour show and with Elvis Costello's cameo, a nice night out on the town.